My Friend Henare

Hi I am going to tell you about my best friend Henare. He makes me laugh. He always smashes Hone. He is the best. I always see him at the bus. I play rugby with him every day. I keep saying Henare Daley.

My New Sister

last week Monday my mum had a scan we saw our new sister after that week I had to stay at my nans for a little. My mum named it Leo it was a cool name. When they came back I saw My new sister it was cool. I was so glad that we had a new sister. When we went to our cousins house we were so exited. My cousins names are Troy, and Catlin. I showed my cousins

Acrostic Poem


the Mice and the cat

the mouse held a meeting he was talking about the cats they talked hours the cats sneaked behind them they just finished there meeting and one of them saw a cat and he said run there is a cat so they all ran. They tried to tied a bell collar they are so happy they lost the cats haaray.

My Weekend

I am going to tell you about my Weekend. My Uncle took me to Golf on the weekend. My Uncle hit the ball really hard. It was my turn, I hit the ball really really hard and I hit far and i was in front of his ball and I won that was the best weekend he even brought me some MC.Donald.

The Birthday

On Sunday I went to my cousins Birthday he was turning one years old. We had a lollies scramble on the back field I had the most lollies. After that we had face painting I didn't had a face painting. My cousin had the first birthday. At night we sleeped at his house before we had our sleep we had a pillow fight. We had so much fun.

My Marae

One day my nan lives by my Marae. When I visit my Nan I went down to the Marae. I saw my cousin Troy. he wanted to play Ninjas. Me and My Cousin Were teams, I saw My other cousins one was a boy and one was a girl, there names are Te range, and Dominic. They wanted a two on two match We had fun.

My class

Hi my name is Mark I'm going to tell you about my class. I have class mates in my Room, there names are Tina, William, Henare, Koro, Jayiesha, Lavinia, KC, Levi, Axel, and Max. I have two great Teachers there names are WheaeKelly, and Matua Andrew. My favourite subjects is Maths, writing, and Technology. this is cool, i like School.

Tangi Wai Disaster

One day on November on summer 1987 the Train drove to 60 to 70kms. there was a man waving his torch but the train was trying to stop but the couldn't stop in time. When the Train crashed there were alive people there was a man his name is Arthur. he helped15 people. that was sad when people died in that Train crash. After the Train crash the water flooded the Train.

The Museum

One day Room 19 went to the Museum I was so exited. When Room 19 arrived we line right by the door there was a man he showed us the movie. After that Mrs MC Donald showed us outside the Museum It was a good view. Mrs MC Donald went down stairs Tina was so scared. It was time to go room 19 lined by the van we told Room 20 what we did. Room19 enjoy what we did.

My Holidays

Hi My name is Mark I am going to tell you about My Holiday. When I visit My Nan I went to My Uncles Room. I was playing on My uncles Computer I was on the Internet It was so fun. After that I was watching TV. I was playing the X BOX 360 it was so fun. When My Nan arrived she came and watch TV. The next day I Went home. When I arrived I played Game Cub. When My Brother came in My Room he was coming to come and join me to play the Game Cub it was fun. My Mum came and gave Me Home Made Biscuit it was yum. My Mum came and Gave Me Home Made Muffins and chocolate that was the best.My Sister came in My Room And she came to play My Game Cub. My cats were Missing it was really sad. My sister found them My sister was the best. We fed My cats they Were so happy to see there owners.


Hi my name is Mark and I go to Kaitao Middle School. I'm 12 years old and I'm a year8 and Ive got one brother his name is Nazareth and got one sister her name is heaven-lea. I play fun games with Caelib, Koro, Levi, Hone, and Jimmy. My favorite sport games is Handball,Dodge ball, and Softball. My favourite food is Home Roast, hangi, Chines,and MC.Dc.