My Friend Henare

Hi I am going to tell you about my best friend Henare. He makes me laugh. He always smashes Hone. He is the best. I always see him at the bus. I play rugby with him every day. I keep saying Henare Daley.

My New Sister

last week Monday my mum had a scan we saw our new sister after that week I had to stay at my nans for a little. My mum named it Leo it was a cool name. When they came back I saw My new sister it was cool. I was so glad that we had a new sister. When we went to our cousins house we were so exited. My cousins names are Troy, and Catlin. I showed my cousins

Acrostic Poem


the Mice and the cat

the mouse held a meeting he was talking about the cats they talked hours the cats sneaked behind them they just finished there meeting and one of them saw a cat and he said run there is a cat so they all ran. They tried to tied a bell collar they are so happy they lost the cats haaray.

My Weekend

I am going to tell you about my Weekend. My Uncle took me to Golf on the weekend. My Uncle hit the ball really hard. It was my turn, I hit the ball really really hard and I hit far and i was in front of his ball and I won that was the best weekend he even brought me some MC.Donald.

The Birthday

On Sunday I went to my cousins Birthday he was turning one years old. We had a lollies scramble on the back field I had the most lollies. After that we had face painting I didn't had a face painting. My cousin had the first birthday. At night we sleeped at his house before we had our sleep we had a pillow fight. We had so much fun.

My Marae

One day my nan lives by my Marae. When I visit my Nan I went down to the Marae. I saw my cousin Troy. he wanted to play Ninjas. Me and My Cousin Were teams, I saw My other cousins one was a boy and one was a girl, there names are Te range, and Dominic. They wanted a two on two match We had fun.